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CAA is advised by our Civic Society Environment Group

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Launch Meeting

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Water Week

Water Week 2024 will be held from Saturday 13th July to Saturday 20th July. We are organising a number of events in the village during the week.

Click here for details so far.

We encourage all our village community groups and residents to take part in Water Week to manage water wisely and protect our freshwater wildlife.

A highlight event on Saturday 20th July is a meeting about “The River Wharfe: its wonders and woes”. Click here for the programme and further details.

For ideas and further information on:

1. Reducing the use of tap water, click here
2. Reducing surface water runoff, click here
3. Managing floodwater, click here
4. Improving water quality in our rivers and becks, click here

Addingham Environment GroupAddingham Civic SocietyAddingham Parish CouncilPrimary SchoolAllotments & Gardens AssociationSt. Peter's ChurchGarden FriendsBeer FestivalWomens InstituteCricket ClubScouts GroupBracken Ghyll Golf Club