4. Reduce plastic and eliminate single use plastic
Plastics in their many forms are extraordinarily useful products but they are made from oil and responsible for creating exceptionally large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. Plastic is almost indestructible and can be a danger to wildlife. Some can be recycled but most cannot or is not. It can break into very small pieces called microplastics that contaminate soils, enter the foodchain and find their way into rivers and into the sea.
- When shopping always look for alternatives made from natural products such as glass, metal, wood and fibre. Check clothes labels carefully.
- Recycle hard plastics using your household waste recycling bin. Take soft plastics to the Co-op. See https://www.coop.co.uk/environment/soft-plastics
- Avoid bottled water where possible and carry a re-usable water bottle.
- Likewise carry a re-usable coffee cup – some cafes offer discounts.
Use a refill shop for laundry liquids and similar products. We have one in the village at Mt Hermon every second Thursday morning of the month at 10.30 am. Bring your own bottles. Click here for more information https://www.addinghamenvironmentgroup.org.uk/index.php/waste/re-use-refill
- Have your milk delivered in glass bottles. The average re-use of a bottle is 25 times. There are a number of local dairies. Cow and Calf Dairies Ltd deliver in Addingham https://candcdairy.co.uk/
- Carry a re-usable shopping bag, one that can be easily folded, preferably non-plastic.
- Find an alternative to cling-film by using re-usable storage containers of different sizes or use bees-wax paper.
- Make sure your tea-bags are plastic free or switch to using loose tea. Click here for more information https://www.greencompostables.com/blog/plastic-free-tea-bags
- Find ways of having plastic-free parties and events. Click here for more information https://friendsoftheearth.uk/plastics/eco-parties-plastic-free-ideas