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4. Increasing renewable energy generation


Solar PanelsThe transition from fossil fuels to renewables is mainly the responsibility of central Government by, for example, promoting offshore and onshore wind turbines and solar farms. But solar panels installed on the roofs of private homes have an important role to play, both in providing electricity (and a source of income) to the homeowner and reducing the demand for electricity from the national grid. Currently only 3% of households in Addingham has solar panels.


  • If you have a south facing (or even east or west facing roof) consider installing solar panels together with a battery to store surplus energy generation
  • Do your research starting witha website such as this:
  • If you would like to see a solar panel system and associated equipment (such as the inverter and meter box) with a battery and talk to a local householder who has already installed solar panels contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There are a number of residents in the village willing to share their experiences
  • Contact a reputable solar panel installer for advice and an estimate. Estimates can usually be made by a contractor for no charge using images of your property from Google Maps. If you are happy with the estimate given, arrange for a home visit and a more detailed costing

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