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CAA is advised by our Civic Society Environment Group

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7. Walking & cycling more


Walking and cycling are healthy activities but they also contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions if they replace journeys by petrol or diesel cars. It also reduces air pollution further benefiting health and improves visibility.


  • Parents with young children are encouraged to walk to and from the Primary School This also reduces air pollution from exhaust emissions in the village but especially around the school gates where engines, especially in winter, are often left running
  • Consider walking or cycling to work and to community events (sport, church, society meetings) rather than driving
  • Support campaigns to improve footpaths and cycling routes in the village and between Addingham and Ilkley
  • Consider investing in an electric bike. See this Government website to check the rules:

Addingham Environment GroupAddingham Civic SocietyAddingham Parish CouncilPrimary SchoolAllotments & Gardens AssociationSt. Peter's ChurchGarden FriendsBeer FestivalWomens InstituteCricket ClubScouts GroupBracken Ghyll Golf ClubAddingham Football Club logo