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CAA is advised by our Civic Society Environment Group

Launch Event

Launch Meeting

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Previous Projects

Climate Change Survey 2023

Following the formation of Climate Action Addingham in 2022 one of our first actions was to carry out a village survey about climate change. We used the Addingham property register provided by Bradford Council to randomly select 200 households in the village and designed a questionnaire to be distributed by volunteers to those households. A copy of the questionnaire can be seen here. The project has now finished. The report is available here.

Bins and butts

binsTo encourage waste reduction in the village, in 2022 the Parish Council introduced a project to provide compost bins, water butts and food waste bins to residents on a first come first served basis. The scheme was over-subscribed and it has been renewed for a further year.
If you are an Addingham residents and wish to take advantage of this scheme please contact the Parish Clerk This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Addingham Environment GroupAddingham Civic SocietyAddingham Parish CouncilPrimary SchoolAllotments & Gardens AssociationSt. Peter's ChurchGarden FriendsBeer FestivalWomens InstituteCricket ClubScouts GroupBracken Ghyll Golf ClubAddingham Football Club logo