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CAA is advised by our Civic Society Environment Group

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2. Improving home energy efficiency


The UK, as a nation, has very poorly insulated homes. The energy we use in our homes represents over a quarter of nationwide total energy use. So improving home energy efficiency is one of our most important objectives, not only reducing greenhouse gas emissions (for those households dependent on natural gas or oil-fired central heating boilers), but also saving money by reducing heating bills.


  • Improve the energy efficiency of your home:
  • Don’t waste energy. Identify and seal up draughts around doors, letterboxes, keyholes, windows and chimneys
  • Use a home energy monitor to check how much power your individual electricity appliances use. You can borrow a monitor from the Environment Group at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Switch every light to low energy LED lights. Don’t wait for the old bulbs to fail. The payback time can be very short
  • Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like a home visit from our trained volunteers using our thermal imaging camera to detect the parts of your home where heat is lost the most. This is an entirely free service!
  • Don’t over-heat your home in winter and avoid using air conditioning as much as possible in summer
  • Change your energy provider to one that provides power only from renewable sources
  • Turn your thermostat down by a degree or two, wear extra clothes instead
  • Fill your kettle carefully & only boil sufficient water for your immediate needs
  • Install a SMART meter to monitor your use of energy and control how your home is heated during the day and night
  • Insulate your loft, walls and floor as much as possible. Consult a recognised builder or architect for advice where necessary

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