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6. Switching to electric vehicles


Electric VehicleAlthough fossil fuels continue to be used in the manufacture of electric vehicles they release no carbon dioxide during their use and help significantly to reduce urban air pollution. The sale of new petrol and diesel cars will be banned across the UK from 2035.


  • Almost all major car companies make electric cars and there is now a rapidly growing market in second-hand electric vehicles. In Addingham we estimate there are now (2024) over 50 households with electric cars. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to speak to someone locally about their experiences buying, charging and driving EVs
  • Home charging is straight forward if you have your own parking space, but it is a problem for those without such a space, such as residents living along Main St. At the moment there is no satisfactory solution for that except using a public charging point. There are only two in the village. They can be found in the car park on Bolton Road. Alternatively charging could take place elsewhere, such as at a place of work or at a supermarket or hotel. Prices are in pence per kilowatt hour (p/kWh). Charging at home can be as little as 10 p/kWh but as much as 75 p/kWh at very rapid chargers such as those at Motorway Service Stations

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